All About Mom

Ocean Float Challenge [Without the Ocean]

Hello there everybody. Sorry I have been a bit MIA. Preparing for our Hawaii trip and going on it, I have had no time to post. We got back yesterday morning after a red eye in which we didn't really sleep, but the kids slept, so go us! In honor of Hawaii, the ocean and all the relaxing feelings it brings...without further adieu. 

Two weeks ago, I was driving in my car and a song came on the radio. I listen to K-LOVE all the time [except for when Anderson requests her Heritage Singers Kids songs] . One of my favorite all time songs came on the radio. It is Oceans by Hillsong United. We used that song for Fitz's NICU experience video [watch it here!], and that song will always forever have a huge place in my heart. It speaks right to me. I can feel it in my soul. Something calming comes over me when I hear it. This time, when I was driving, I was at a light and the song came on, I closed my eyes for a second and took a deep breath. Listening to the words, letting them pour into me gave me that sense of peace I was really needing in that moment. It always takes me back to laying in the bed, with Fitz in my tummy, not knowing if things were going to be okay, or not okay. I had a peace though that allowed me to just Trust that God had Him. Whatever happened, God had me. He would protect me, keep me safe, and He knew the path for both Fitz and I. Then I got to thinking about everything happening in our world. How busy our lives are. How we never have time to just sit and do nothing anymore. I thought about how fast paced everything is. The tragedies that keep happening. California fires, Houston Hurricane, Florida Hurricane, Vegas shooting. I then thought if I need this comfort and this peace pouring into my soul, I am sure others could use this as well. I had the idea to have a Ocean Float Challenge [without the ocean]. I want you all to challenge three of your friends to do this. Unlike the water bucket challenge, you don't have to be cold and sopping wet. You also won't have the Water Bucket fails happen to you, even those are really entertaining to watch. I wouldn't recommend you videoing yourself doing this challenge, because, well, that's just awkward [haha!]. I would recommend sharing the challenge though with three friends or acquaintances. People you think may need this right now. I want everybody to have an open mind. If anything, do it for the relaxation it brings you to take a few minutes out of your day to have time to yourself. Here's the official challenge.

I challenge you to lay on the floor, the couch, or on your bed. Get this song ready, Oceans by Hillsong United. Close your eyes. Take deep breaths. Don't let anything interrupt you. No phones, no TVs, no kids. Silence. Play this song and close your eyes. Imagine floating in the ocean, feeling weightless, and free. Feel the song, feel God speaking to you.  Take deep breaths in through your nose, out through your mouth. Listen to the entire song with your eyes still closed, taking deep breaths. I hope that when the song is finished, you will open your eyes, and feel so relaxed. I hope in those few minutes you had a life changing feeling. I hope you felt God's presence, and His hand holding you afloat. 

Our lives are like oceans. There can be crashing waves at times and calm waters. Regardless, we need God to help us float. Whether it be in the waves or in calm waters, we can't float on our own. Maybe for a short time, but not forever. I honestly think we can make our world a better place with doing this challenge. It is rejuvenating. It makes you feel refreshed and at peace. Our world needs more of God. Our world needs people to trust in God, and believe He has us. Because, BREAKING NEWS, He has all of us, in His hands, all the time. He never fails us. He leads us to walk upon the water and trust Him. He restores our Faith. When we get caught up in the busyness, we sometimes put alone time with Him on the back burners. We forget to relax in His presence, trusting in Him. Releasing our our lives stresses and our pressure to be perfect in a imperfect world. Release it all to Him. All your troubles give them to Him and realize that He will fight your battles, He will help you overcome anything in this world because He has overcome the world. 

I hope this challenge changes you, like it has me. I have realized how much I need this. Once a week, once a day. I can also tell you, I felt the urge to cry after I did this challenge. I think it was all my stress and emotions I have pent up. I felt it all release. I felt as if God took all my problems away in those moments. I hope we can make this a viral challenge. I hope we can change lives. I hope we can change the world. I hope it can encourage our girlfriends, our fellow moms, our friends, dads, husbands, grandpas. Most of all I hope if it's you who is struggling, you who is needing God in your life. Maybe you don't have a relationship with Him, but I hope that after this, you see why it is the most important relationship to have. If we can change one person's life, this challenge is more than worth it. I hope I can rescue one person who feels at the bottom of the ocean. I hope that one person can be brought to the surface from rock bottom, feeling God take their hand and help them stay afloat. Please share below in the comments how this challenge made you feel! I would love to hear!!!!