
A Man's Dream: Pebble Beach Y'all

Most men love golfing. Most men like watching golf. I have got a husband who is obsessed with it. He started at the age of 2, through grade school, junior high, high school, played in college at University Nevada Reno on scholarship, turned pro after graduating, and played on the Arizona Tour. He likes to always have it on TV, he on average plays golf at least once a week. Last Christmas, for his dad, Andrew surprised him with a bucket list trip to Pebble Beach in the summer. Obviously, me and his mom were just there for the free trip, but we had an absolute blast! I honestly feel like Stella [Andrew's mom] and I got to be so much closer from this trip. I wouldn't trade those memories I had with her for the world. She was such a big help with the kids, we hung out while the boys played golf, and we took turns showering and getting ready. Which if your a mom, you know thats just wonderful to have some helps so you can get some make up on and your hair done all at the same time. Andy brought one of his friends Jim and his wife Melinda. Andrew brought one of his best friend's Jake and his fiance Addy. We had a blast being there all together and it was truly wonderful seeing Andrew and his dad check off this bucket list course. Andrew's dad supported him and helped him get to where he did in his golf career and it was such a fun thank you for everything he did for him! If you ever have a chance to visit, drive the 17 mile drive, and of course play golf, take that chance. It was a beautiful place and it was memories we will cherish as a family forever. 

I really don't love traveling [let me rephrase that; I like traveling. I don't love flying with 9 bags, two kids, and being away from normalcy]. Especially with my kids being as young as they are. Anderson is sensitive, and doesn't do great sleeping in another place other than her home. Fitz started a fever and cutting a tooth while we were there. The day we traveled back he had a fever over 100 and I was holding my breath that we would make it home without him making everybody on our plane hate us. Welp, we made it. It had it's stressful moments [when is traveling with kids not stressful?], but in the end, we had a lot of fun. The kids did great considering all of the above and they had plenty of happy times while we were there too. We look back with such happiness and I can't believe the #foreveries [shout out to Uncle Ron, Josh, and the Knutson family!] we created. Maybe with that realization I can start to get better at blocking the stressful parts of traveling out in the first place. Sometimes the difficult or even "uncomfortable" parts about traveling make me not really want to do it. I need to remember just focus on the part that I get these memories to keep forever. Awesome photos, a fun video that captured the trip perfectly, and seeing my kids so happy.

As I currently am extremely stressed about a trip to Hawaii [with both kids] coming up here in two weeks, I think this was the perfect time to finish this video. Although it may be stressful to get there, or stressful when a kid winds up sick on a trip. When your kid has a night terror on the plane. [Also stressful when your kid poops the second they tell you it's time for landing so you have thirty minutes to worry that the whole plane is about to smell like your kids poop because you can't change it until they say you can unbuckle your seat belts]. But then we look back at these epic memories, and we realize all of those negative things, are distant and even laughable. Why worry about these things in the first place guys? I should remember this. Hopefully by blogging it, I will. If not, somebody please remind me of this.

Enjoy these photos, and the video I put together! They bring me so much happiness!