Anderson Layne

Santa’s Island 2018 & Christmas Tree Decorating

Good ol’ Santa’s Island! We use to go to this when Andrew and I were younger. We had lived in the Lakes (we were neighbors since I was 3) and every year we went to Santa’s Island. Andrew actually even worked the boat a few years to give people rides to and from the island. We hadn’t brought them since before Fitz was born. The last time we took Anderson was when she was almost a year old. We didn’t go the year Fitz came home from the NICU because we had to stay away from sickness. Last year we missed it because we weren’t aware of when it was but THIS YEAR, we made it.

I was so excited to bring them and have them understand that it was the same place mom and dad went when we were younger! They had a lot of fun going, but neither of them wanted to actually sit on Santa’s lap. We decided not to force it and we just held them as they talked to Santa. Anderson told Santa she wanted Barbies and Fitz told Santa he wanted cars! Anderson got a kiss from Santa, and Fitz got a high-five! Then we took some photos near where Andrew and I have photos of us together as kids (make sure to check out us back then in the same place when you scroll down).

After Santa’s Island, we went home to decorate our tree and our house for Christmas! We had a lovely time listening to Christmas music and hanging ornaments. I was excited because last year we saran wrapped our Christmas tree with the lights on it so we didn’t have to do that part again this year and I really think it was was easier with the kiddos. Usually they are chomping at the bit and I am like wait, I have to string the lights! Not this year! I highly recommend doing this to your tree after you take the ornaments off this year, because it was a total time saver!

I love this time of year and I am truly counting down till Christmas. I can’t wait see what Santa got the kids!!!!!!!!!