
March of Dimes 2018

Our second year doing March of Dimes walk. It always reminds me how special Fitz is. He is such a fighter. He was born at 31 weeks weighing 3 lbs 5 oz but just the middle of the year of Fitz. If some of you haven't heard his story, watch the video linked below by Lex.Photoandfilm.

I really feel we are so blessed we decided to fight for his life. If we had listened to what was recommended, we would of delivered him at 17 weeks and he would of not had a life to live. I think about this often, that I can't believe I even had the option. What if I would of chose that? If I would of chose that, I would of never known Fitz would of lived and thrived. That all the things they said would be wrong, wouldn't be. He's truly a miracle and we are just so blessed to have him our lives. He taught us so much, and he continues to be our miracle and perfect reminder of what God can do when you have Faith in Him. 

Thank you to all the nurses that helped my son live. It is #nursesweek and we wanted to give a shout out to you nurses who work so hard, and save lives. Having my son in the NICU was one of the most eye opening experiences. To see what you NICU nurses do every day, just to take care of the preemies and keep them alive it is truly amazing to watch. My son wouldn't be here if it wasn't for your caring hands that had the touch of God helping with each care time and interaction. We have SUCH a appreciation for all nurses, but these NICU nurses have an extra special place in our hearts. We think they have extra special hearts to do what they do. I also am very appreciative to the Antepartum nurses that took care of me while on bed rest. They helped me stay comfortable and waited on me with lots of water so I could try to keep my fluids up. They were a huge help in getting me to 31 weeks. 

Thank you all who helped, supported, and prayed for our son Fitzgerald.


To watch Fitz's story, click Here!