cousin time

Pumpkin Patch 2017

Happy Halloween everybody! Halloween is my FAVORITE holiday. Well maybe not my only favorite but it is definitely tied as a favorite. I love dressing up. I feel like it is the perfect excuse to feel like a kid again. It is some how even more fun now that I have kids to dress up with. I can tell Anderson really likes playing dress up, especially when others play along with her! This year we had multiple costumes because I can never just pick one thing. We had a simple one for the pumpkin patch, we had one for the annual NICU party for our son [last year this time he was still in the NICU!] and then we have one for today for trick or treating! Anderson is SO excited to go trick or treating. We have had our costumes for 3 months at least. Every few days we go over who is being what. She loves it and gets so excited! I can't wait to see her face when she sees the whole family dressed up as her favorite characters! Stay tuned because we got pretty creative! I feel like I will NEVER have a better costume than my Grinch costume when I was pregnant with her but each year it's fun trying to top it! You will have to let me know what you think of this years compared to the Grinch! Here's a link if you haven't seen it! Oh and you also can't forget about the year I was Ellen Degeneres too! Just don't ask me about the year I was Carrot Top. That was pretty traumatic as nobody knew who I was and I was only like 10. [ #epicfail ].

I hope you all have a Happy Halloween with friends and family and most importantly a safe one!

Our masks are from the wonderful Joss & J! Made by Opposite of Far