
Hawaii 2017 [Golembiewski's Get Wedskied]

Also a bit late, our trip from October to Hawaii. Now the reason I have prolonged this post is because I have been in a all out search for the rest of the photos. I have NO IDEA where they are. A part of me is worried Andrew deleted them when I asked him to prepare the memory card for the wedding. I really am holding out hope that that DIDN'T happen, but that is all I can think happened because I cannot find it anywhere. I figured finally I will just post these, and then hope that I somehow find that memory card and I will do a Part II to this post.

The wedding was for Jake & Addy, our good, long time friends. Anderson was the flower girl, and Andrew officiated! It was an awesome wedding, and a trip for the memory books! We survived a 6.5 hour flight with two kids two and under. [Which I pretty much dreaded for a year before the flight]. That night after getting into our beautiful hotel room, Fitz started being very very fussy. We spent the next day trying to figure out why he was just scream crying unless we were walking outside with him in the stroller. If I put him down, he would scream cry till I picked him up again. It was like he was telling me, Mom! Don't leave me! Something is wrong! Come back! It wasn't until the next day, after another night with no sleep we saw his balance was off and we thought ear infection! That's it! we drove up the hill to a urgent care and we confirmed a double ear infection. The rest of the trip was dealing with a fussy baby [rightfully so...] with a ton of fun in between. I spent 75% of the time walking around with him in the stroller, because that was when he was the happiest. It was 30 mph winds, so the beach was a no go, unless you wanted sand pelted into your eyes. The good news was that 25% of the time we got to spend it with great friends, that might as well be family. We got to celebrate a WONDERFUL couple get married, and start their lives [officially] together. AND in beautiful Hawaii! How could you not love that! 

These photos I will forever cherish. Especially because it is a prime example of being a parent. Life doesn't always go how we want. We have a plan, like to take a TON of photos, and most the times, we get what we can with our kids and make do. I am completely happy with the photos I did get. Anything before this was usually with Fitz crying and Anderson's hair in her eyes. These also capture Anderson's first true crush, Billy. She always talks about him and asks about him. She wants to FaceTime him often.