Anderson's 3rd Birthday #targetstyle

Who doesn't love Target? Anybody? Just our husbands? Wait...even they sometimes [though they won't admit it to us] love it. It has everything. Toys, groceries, and all necessary items to keep you alive. Anderson and I love going there together. We always have! Fun fact, I actually took the pregnancy test that I found out I was pregnant with Anderson in the Target bathroom. Our obsession goes all the way back to the beginning of Anderson's life! I happened to have somebody who knew Anderson and I's obsession with Target, send me a article of a little girl who had a Target themed 3rd birthday party. When I saw it, I thought, Anderson needs her bday party to be Target themed too! I thought I would ask her, just to make sure she liked it too, and sure enough she got all giddy and excited! When I made the invitations, I was still a little unsure about the theme. Mostly about the work that I would have to do to make it come together. It's not like a theme you can just go to the store and get Paw Patrol plates and hats [don't get me wrong, I love it when it's that easy!!!] but it was going to take a lot of thinking, and probably a lot of crafting. When we received the invites and Anderson saw them, she was so excited about Bullseye on the invitation and that it looked just like Target! That's the reassurance I needed to know my efforts would be worth it! Sure enough, it was!

I am so happy with how it turned out. It had just the right amount of decorations, and Anderson and her friends had a blast. Instead of having take home bags pre-made, the kids were able to shop for their own take home basket and I felt like it made it so fun! I am also very thankful for our local Target store (Gilbert SW) for their help with what they could put together for me in such short notice. The night before the party I went in there and asked if they had anything I could use. While I shopped for the other things I needed, the manager went and figured out how he could help. I met him at the checkout and he had a bag with a few goodies inside, and a little birthday card for Anderson. I thought it was SO sweet of him! He also had a target bullseye dog for Anderson as well. I was so touched by his want to help her have a great birthday! He asked for me to bring photos back so he could see how it turned out. I have yet to run into him again, but very soon I will hopefully so I can show him these photos!

I have also added the files below so if anybody else wants a birthday party with this theme, it hopefully will make the planning just a little bit easier for them! I bought the invitation on etsy through the Wild Arrow Paper Company shop. She was fantastic to work with and really put it all together perfectly! Also, I found out about the "Bullseye Shop" that night before her party. It would of TOTALLY helped having this site a few weeks before the party.