
These Boots Were Made for Ridin'

My little girl found her calling yesterday and the apple doesn't fall from the tree.

A little backstory, I have always been obsessed with horses. On my bucket list is to own a horse at some point in my life. [Hint. Hint Andrew. Could be a great Christmas present for the both of us! Kill two birds with one stone!]  When I was younger, I was sitting on a fence watching horses, somehow fell off and I got a concussion. The memory loss I had from it causes me not to remember what I saw prior to falling off, but I can tell you I know it was worth it. There was something so beautiful about them and I was always in awe watching them just graze. When they ran I imagined the wind in my hair, and pure freedom. I always wanted to ride, I got to for a few birthdays as a gift from my parents. Although riding was fun, I wanted to run. I didn't want to just walk. I wanted the wind in my hair. I never really got to fully run on a horse. All the horses we would ride were on trail rides and everybody knows it's pretty much just a walk around pretty land. My mom always told me stories of when she was younger and she owned horses and how much fun it was when they ran. 

Now we live near county islands so we always go on walks to see the horses, cows, donkeys and goats. It is so much fun and Anderson loves it so much. She loves to feed them, but sometimes she gets nervous when they get a bit close. I wasn't sure how she was going to do about getting on a horse. Sometimes she gets too scared, sometimes she is fearless. Most the time I don't know which one I am going to get, so I was anxious to find out how she would be. We had gone near them and started to feed one of the horse some hay and she got a bit scared. Maybe it is because she is so small, and the horse is so big. We had dad get on the horse first, and then Anderson saw it was fun, and totally okay for her too. We couldn't thank Dylon enough for "showing us the ropes", literally. We all needed a quick refresher course, and we also wanted Anderson to be on a horse for the first time with somebody who knew fully what they were doing. [You know, just in case...cuz were great parents. {insert blonde haired emoji with hand like "duh, figures!"} ] Needless to say, Anderson LOVED it. She was pretty much in the need for speed about a minute into walking around on the horse. When she got her first taste of the speed, she just kept laughing and laughing and asking her horse, Josh, to run more. I think we have found something she is going to ask me every day to do. I simply wont complain, because well, I am right there with her! 

We are so appreciative of great friends like Dylon. It was so sweet of him to offer to take us to his families horses, to saddle them up and to make such a special memory for our little girl! She will forever remember the first time she fell in love with riding horses! Thanks Dylon! You may be seeing us a lot more now!