little boy hair cut

Fitz's First Haircut (2nd Attempt)

We finally got his hair cut! It has been bothering me for weeks! It was too long and hung over his ears, and his hairline for his neck was so off. One side was noticeably longer. I have wanted to give him a super fresh hair cut and we attempted two weeks ago and it was a fail. We thought we could still try even though he hadn't had a nap that day and we were there at 430. Not to mention, we sat there while Andrew got his hair cut before we tried for Fitz's so it ended up being a bust before we even tried.

Needless to say, I am so glad I was able to get it done today. We went to Floyd's 99 Barbershop in Chandler, and we were impressed with them helping out with getting Fitz's hair cut. I got to keep the first cut of hair and I am so glad we got it done this time! I didn't get a great photo of his new haircut. He was ready to move once we got out of the chair so getting him to pose for a photo was almost impossible. Here are the photos of what I did get!